Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Road Rage -- Something for the Young -- Part #3

I could have handled the incident better.

For instance, I could have followed through with the 9-1-1 call and made a video of the couple on my cell phone while following them until the cops arrived.

Even better, I could have listened to Maryann and entirely ignored the guy's hitting or kicking my car.

As it is, I think he will offer me neither of the things I really want:

- An apology for his childishly escalating my words into physical retaliation. I mean, did he never hear "Sticks and Stones"?

- A sincere "Thank You" to Maryann for being diligent and taking extraordinary care in not allowing the reckless way in which he operated his bicycle to cause him or his companion bodily harm.

As I said in Part #1 about this, I envy his testosterone level but not his lack of self-control. On the other hand, irrespective of my own level of testosterone, I acknowledge lack of self-control is a problem for me, too.

When the sheriffs became involved, the guy denied attacking our car. As there was no obvious damage, it became a case of "he said; he said". The guy has no honor.

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