Saturday, June 27, 2009

David Carradine

Do you think David Carradine would have survived his experience with erotic asphyxiation if, instead of rope, he used a blood pressure cuff around his neck? He could have pumped it up, as needed, then opened the pressure bulb valve slightly to relieve the pressure automatically.

Disclaimer #1: This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Disclaimer #2: Do NOT try this at home.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Road Rage -- Something for the Young -- Part #3

I could have handled the incident better.

For instance, I could have followed through with the 9-1-1 call and made a video of the couple on my cell phone while following them until the cops arrived.

Even better, I could have listened to Maryann and entirely ignored the guy's hitting or kicking my car.

As it is, I think he will offer me neither of the things I really want:

- An apology for his childishly escalating my words into physical retaliation. I mean, did he never hear "Sticks and Stones"?

- A sincere "Thank You" to Maryann for being diligent and taking extraordinary care in not allowing the reckless way in which he operated his bicycle to cause him or his companion bodily harm.

As I said in Part #1 about this, I envy his testosterone level but not his lack of self-control. On the other hand, irrespective of my own level of testosterone, I acknowledge lack of self-control is a problem for me, too.

When the sheriffs became involved, the guy denied attacking our car. As there was no obvious damage, it became a case of "he said; he said". The guy has no honor.

Road Rage -- Something for the Young -- Part #2

As you may remember from Part #1, the guy had ridden unsafely and been told off (either audibly or not) by me at the point shown in the upper, far-right blue rectangle of the photo. Then he hit or kicked our car in the green rectangle to the left. The road continues downhill to the intersection in the yellow rectangle, then goes back uphill to the red rectangle on the left.

I was enraged. It was at this point that Maryann, the calmer/smarter of our couple, said something like, "Let it go." Somewhere between the yellow and red rectangles I called 9-1-1, intending to have him stopped by the cops for hitting-or-kicking our vehicle, but they didn't answer immediately, so I hung up.

[Click on the image for a bigger version]

They called back a few moments later, and I said I had reconsidered filing a complaint and decided not to, spoke with the operator for a total of 47 seconds, then hung up. By this point, I had convinced Maryann to pull around the corner and stop the car. As I sat there, I realized the bicyclists would be going much slower up the incline we had just driven. In fact, they would be coming up the hill in a minute or so.

It became my intention to stop the guy and make a Citizens' Arrest. He had no right to escalate from whatever I had said to physically striking my car.

Now as you may know from reading these posts, I'm wearing a special boot on my left foot after four surgeries on it. I may or may not have talked previously about the lack of balance caused by diabetic neuropathy or being considerably overweight from not being able to walk as far as one block around the house until recently -- not for more than 2 years. The adhesive capsulitis ("frozen shoulder syndrome") makes it difficult to move my arms. Suffice it to say, I am old, fat, semi-crippled and fall over easily.

Despite those considerable physical limitations, I intended to confront the guy who had attacked our car. I wanted to express my outrage, to demand an apology, and seek the intervention of law enforcement if I didn't get it.

Things didn't work out as I had planned.

I may talk more about what occurred next on another day.

Road Rage -- Something for the Young -- Part #1

I only want to tell the beginning of this story, an incident of road rage between me (a passenger in the car Maryann was driving) and a younger man (33 years old, according to the sheriffs who investigated) on a bicycle. I never got a particularly good look at him or the young woman / girl / lady (I mean no disrespect in applying what may be a politically incorrect label) who was riding with him on another bike. She appeared from a distance to be approximately the same age as he was.

When you look at the photo, you should know that we all were stopped at the light in the larger red square to the right, on Five Canyons Parkway as it meets East Castro Valley Blvd. The three sets of arrows and three lanes are on Five Canyons Parkway, which is going uphill in that direction. From right to left, the direction the cars are going in the photo, is East Castro Valley Blvd (Westbound) and goes downhill.

[Click on the image for a bigger version]

We were (again stopped, waiting for the light) in the middle of the 3 lanes. Practically nobody in that lane drives straight through that intersection (there are only a few homes across the street over there). Everybody turns left, down the hill, driving next to the cars in the left-turn only lane next to it.

The 2 bicyclists were not wearing safety headgear and were in the right lane, planning to ride across the intersection to the bike lane that begins in the smaller blue square to the left.

Here's the beginning of the incident. When the light turned green, instead of riding across the intersection, staying to the right of the two lanes of cars turning left, the bicyclists cut ACROSS the intersection diagonally, making a lane change without first making a hand signal of their intent to do so. They rode right in front of us and continued to be in our lane, such that Maryann had to hit the brakes and wait for traffic in the left turn lane to clear so we could change lanes to our left to avoid hitting them. Now ... I understand a bike can't accelerate rapidly uphill, but pulling directly in front of moving auto traffic is REALLY dumb. Foolhardy. Reckless.

I can't remember if I rolled down the window or mouthed the words through the closed window, but as we went by him I called the male rider a "Dumb F---" or "F---ing Idiot" -- I don't remember. Probably the wrong thing to do, but I was outraged that he would risk his own life and the life of the woman with him by riding so recklessly. I could see in his face that he understood what I was saying. I could tell he was angry, but that he had no idea he had been doing something dangerously wrong.

We drove in the right lane down the hill from where we entered the street (the top red rectangle) to the stoplight next to our local market (the bottom blue rectangle). The light was red, so we stopped in the right-most lane, where we had been ever since turning onto the street.

At that point, the bikes were rolling downhill and caught up with us. I felt and heard a loud THUMP as the guy either hit or kicked our car! While I envy him the level of testosterone to react to words by physically attacking my car, I can't say I admire his lack of self-control -- hence the "Road Rage" subject of this post.

I rolled down the window, shouted and gestured at him to stop. He ignored me.

Saturday, June 20, 2009


I had a Eureka moment last week, what some people call an "Aha!" moment, a moment of discovery. Some California history. Eureka, the state motto, is what the guy said when he discovered gold in 1849 (49 -- 49ers, right?). Greek for "I have found it." So here's what *I* discovered. It turns out a man CAN have an orgasm without an erection. Well, it wasn't really a Eureka moment; [show vacuum hose] more of a Hoover or Bissell -- maybe Kenmore, I can't remember.

Irish Contraception

You probably know where the Catholic Church stands on contraception, right?

In Ireland, the only form they allow is an IUD called "Irish Spring." It has a fresh scent. You have to be manly to insert it.

Hefner Dates Irish Twins

Hugh Hefner is dating 19-year old, blue-eyed, blonde twins. Well, not actually blondes, but you know what I mean. They're named Karissa and Kristina Shannon. Shannon ... that's Irish, isn't it? I bet he likes it when they kiss his Blarney Stones [p], lick his Shamrocks [p] and eat his Lucky Charms. They're magically delicious.

June 15, 2009 Closing -- "Rainbow Sherbet"

[This is the way I closed my set, a version of the earlier Rainbow Sherbet joke.]

Any redheaded women out there besides Val? She can tell you, I have a redhead fetish. But I shouldn't talk about that. Instead, let's talk about rainbow sherbet. Do you parents buy those big tubs of rainbow sherbet for birthday parties? Almost every kid likes at least one flavor, right? There's the orange-orange part and the white-pineapple part and the pink-raspberry part. It's been 35 years since I slept with a redhead, and Val keeps turning me down -- every time [L] -- but it made a big impression. Now picture this, viewed from the correct angle, there's the orange hair, the white skin and, underneath, the pink parts, if you know what I mean. It just so happens my favorite flavor is raspberry. I don't need a bowl, I don't need a spoon. I STILL just wanna bury my face in there. [L]

Thursday, June 4, 2009

All Screwed Up

[New comedy material, to use at a later date.]

When I was younger, I made some mistakes, but Hell I'm only human, right? I screwed up sometimes.

When I got old and fat, my wife stopped letting me be on top, so now I ALWAYS screw up. I mentioned I have a bad memory -- didn't I? I'm not sure. My wife likes it when I say her name in bed. I remember it -- about 1/2 the time. When my memory started to go, I wrote it on the headboard [gesture with thumb and index finger close together, "small"] and insisted we keep the lights on.

Now that she insists on being on top. I had to paint it in big letters on the ceiling, but then my eyes started going bad, too. So I can't read it.

Sometimes I just have to call her by affectionate pet names, like Honey and Baby. Her affectionate pet name for me is cute. She calls me "Dumbshit".

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Every Kiss Begins With Kay

Kay Jewelers runs ads around the every holiday that include their tag line, "Every Kiss Begins With Kay." I suppose I can't blame them, but when I'm broke and I see their store at the mall, I like to go up to a salesperson and ask, "Every Kiss Begins With Kay, right?" After they nod, I say, "You know what else is true? Every Piss Begins With Pee."

Every cloud has a silver lining, but hardly anybody wants to trade up to a golden shower.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Joie de Vivre

When the French girl I was dating told me I had an enormous "Joie de Vivre," not speaking French, I thought it was a flattering (albeit inaccurate) anatomical reference.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Chiquita and the Banana

One thing I learned: If you're planning to use a frozen chocolate banana as a marital aid, remember to put towels under her FIRST. Chocolate MELTS and the stains don't come out. You'll have a difficult time convincing your next visitor you aren't incontinent. And, no, the "in continent" ISN'T Europe.

Movie lovers

Talk about a Freudian slip! When I found out she liked Hitchcock films, I meant to ask if she liked "Rear Window", but it came out "Do you like Back Door?"

Monday, May 25, 2009

Part of the Stand-up Set I'll deliver 6/1/09

Actually, I've been married 28 years this August 1st. We got married on eight / one / eight one. The date also describes our wedding night. First I ate one, then she ate one, and so on. I'm a gentleman. I believe ladies should come first. Yeah, I know it's disgusting to imagine, looking at me now -- like thinking about your grandma & grandpa going down on each other -- but it was HOT around 30 years ago.


When I was younger, I made some mistakes, but Hell I'm only human, right? I screwed up sometimes. When I got older and fatter, my wife stopped letting me be on top in bed, so now I ALWAYS screw up. I mentioned I have a bad memory -- didn't I? I'm not sure. My wife likes it when I say her name when we make love. About 1/2 the time I remember it. I wrote it on the wall over the headboard a few years ago, but when she insisted on being on top I had to paint it in big letters on the ceiling. Now my eyes are going bad, too. I have cataract surgery scheduled right after the 4th of July. So I can't read what I wrote on the ceiling. So sometimes I just call her by affectionate pet names, like Honey and Baby. Her pet name for me is Dumbshit.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Another "Adult Pun" for Oldsters

Did you hear about that retrospective TV special where Sally Field and Moondoggie go to the vibrator store? It's called "Gidget Gets a G-Spot Gadget."

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Rainbow Sherbet

I know it's creepy for an old guy to talk about sex, so I'll just talk about rainbow sherbet. Do you know those 1- and 2-gallon tubs of rainbow sherbet? Any parents in here? Do you buy rainbow sherbet for birthday parties? Almost every kid likes at least one flavor, right? There's the orange-orange part and the white-pineapple part and the pink-raspberry part. It's been 35 years since I slept with a redhead, but it made a big impression. Viewed from the correct angle, there's the orange hair, the white skin and the pink parts. My favorite flavor is raspberry. I don't need a bowl, I don't need a spoon. Lemme bury my face in there.

Friday, May 8, 2009

From April 15, 2009

On MSNBC's Rachel Maddow show, she couldn't stop laughing about the campaign to send tea bags to government officials as a protest of high taxation. There are "Tea Bag Parties" being held today in many cities, led by Conservative politicians or media figures, supposedly akin to the Boston Tea Party. Rachel laughed each time she quoted somebody saying "Teabag Obama" or "Teabag Your Congressman", etc. She didn't explain that "Teabag" is a slang sexual term, but I Googled it to find its meaning. I couldn't believe what it said. In fact, I thought it was a balled face lie.

Too obscure

To understand this one, you'll need to know several things: the slang term for "vaginal flatulence", the name of a popular hip-hop artist/actress, and the name of a Yoga posture called "knees to chest" (or the "gas relieving posture"). Ready?

When the 17-year old girl in a beginning Yoga class kept having unexpected results doing apanasana, her classmates dubbed her "Teen La Queefah."


Rimsky-Korsakov: The nickname of a tubercular Russian prostitute whose specialty was anallingus.

Hanukkah Candles

The Jewish gynecologist celebrated Hanukkah by lighting the Labia Menorah.

Being Apart

When I began to travel on business, I bought my wife two vibrators. Now I can leave her to her own devices.

Cedar Chest

Cedar Chest: What the hillbilly did at the topless bar.

Patriotic Oral Sex

My ex-girlfriend is very patriotic. When she became a hooker, she vowed that on the 4th of July she would hum the Star Spangled Banner while giving a free blow job to any uniformed serviceman she met. That makes them come to attention.

The Fly Trap

This guy was so "macho" he never wore underwear. One day he carelessly caught himself in his zipper. He tried to extricate himself, but it was too painful. He went to the E.R. where they gave him a local anesthetic and got him out of his pre-dick-ament. They called the procedure the "Penis Fly Trap."

Sex With a Redhead is a Religious Experience

After the Jewish gynecologist saw his redheaded patient's burning bush, she complained of a headache. He told her, "Take these two tablets and call me in the morning." When she complained about her boyfriend's lovemaking technique, he recommended she give him a sermon on the mounting. Further, she should sing the old spiritual "Go Down, Moses" until the guy learned to do it.

Why Roman Polanski Never Ages

Some of us remember movie director Roman Polanski, who was said to have had sex with a 13-year old girl in 1977 and fled the country. Like Dorian Gray, he doesn't seem to age. He's discovered the elixir of youth. First he finds a youth and then ... elixir.

One Example of "Sit-Down" Comedy

I once was on an airplane, sitting across the aisle from a woman reading a Cosmopolitan magazine. I could see the cover, and one of its stories was, "How Do Men Really Feel About Sexually Experienced Women?" So I turned to her and said, "Pardon me. I noticed one of the articles is 'How Do Men Really Feel About Sexually Experienced Women?' I don't know what Cosmo says, but I like to start at the neck and work my way down or start at the knees and work my way up." I WISH I could say she liked the idea.

Wooden Sexual Novelty

I'm way behind in my reading. "American Lion", Jon Meacham's Pulitzer Prize-winning biography of Andrew Jackson, waits on a shelf at the Public Library. I remember a little about Jackson from history classes and recently refreshed my memory on Wikipedia, as follows: He earned a reputation and a nickname for toughness in the War of 1812. He was fiercely loyal to his wife and fought many duels over her honor.

Another thing I've learned, but few historians discuss, is that (in those days long before "latex novelties") Jackson whittled a hardwood device for his wife's pleasure. It sat unused in a drawer of her nightstand for many months, where it became dry and brittle. One night, at precisely one a.m., she tried it for the first time and got very painful splinters. Terribly embarrassed, she was forced to go to the ___ ___ ___ (3 words, no letter counts).

Andrew Jackson's nickname was "Old Hickory." His wife needed to see a doctor to remove the splinters she received "when the clock struck one." So, the answer is => she needed to see the "Hickory Dickory Doc."


When they approached Sir Alec Guinness to play Obi-Wan Kenobi in "Star Wars", he thought the project was silly -- see He even thought his character's NAME was silly.

He had won the Academy Award for Best Actor in 1957, playing Col. Nicholson in "The Bridge on the River Kwai" and he proposed they recognize that fact by renaming his character "Obi-Kwai". He also wanted to change the last name from "Kenobi" to "Tanblomi". When George Lucas heard about it, he approached Guinness in a rage. "Who do you think you are?" he asked. Guinness replied, "Oh, be quiet and blow me."

Coming Soon to a Blog Site Near You!

I'll be adding massive amounts of material soon.

Don't be ashamed you visited here.

Come back in a few days.

Hello, You Dirty Dogs!

I decided to post some of my "adult" content here.

Have you even noticed that when something is rated "For Mature Audiences Only", it generally is for people who want to watch crap?

I think it should be rated "For MANURE Audiences Only".

Just a thought.